Saturday, December 10, 2016

Simple #fmsphotoaday #fms_simple #fmspad #december #2016 Turning a light off is simple, right? I mean, you just push or flip the switch and that's it. Like filling the water pitcher or the ice trays when you empty them, or doing your own god damned dishes, or saying hello, goodbye, good morning/evening/night, please and thank you. Or being thankful and appreciative to the hand that feeds you and selflessly takes care of you. Or respecting other people's customs and property. But no, apparently you need more f'ing degrees than Stephen Hawking to those things. And as it turns out I have to share time and space with people like that. Good thing the Lord and dad can see the truth from up there. Karma's a bitch and life will come back to bite you in the a**. Sorry, had to vent, it's been an awful and hurtful week.

via Instagram

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