Saturday, April 22, 2017

I guess I needed me sone spiritual help today 112/365 #project365 #april #abril #2017 Mañana me toca llevar a mami a darle el último adios a su hermano querido, mi padrino. Ella quería ir desde hoy, pero en sus condiciones emocionales y de salud no era lo más recomendable. El dolor se siente adentro, mañana será otro día (y hay que sobrellevarlo con par de pastillitas)

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Opposites #fmsphotoaday #fms_opposites #fmspad #april #april #2017 They say opposites attract, but I tend to reject opposites. Even my opposite fingers repeal (but if you look closely you might think they're alike)

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No me dejes 112/365 #project365 #april #abril #2017 Quisiera borrar tus lágrimas y tu dolor con mis brazos, pero estos son los designios del Señor. Recordarlos con amor, celebrar sus vidas, agradecer que los pudimos tener junto a nosotros durante tanto tiempo y apoyarnos en nuestra fe con la seguridad de que en futuro estaremos de nuevo junto a ellos en la morada del Señor

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Rough #fmsphotoaday #fms_rough #fmspad #april #abril #2017 Tonight was a rough night. My mother's oldest living brother and my godfather passed away. Less than 2 months before one of her younger brothers passed as well. Less 11 months ago my father passed. Almost 2 years ago my godmother, one of my mother's best friends, passed as well. It's been a rough time not only for her but for our whole family. My godfather was a funny and loving man, always helping out the ones in need. I'm sure he's in heaven besides all our other loved ones who went before him. I will miss you dearly, tío Gonzalo.

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