Sunday, October 15, 2017

Eso iba para mis pulmones 287/365 #project365 #octubre #october #2017 Hace unos meses mi cuñada me regaló su purificador/filtro de aire viejo pues se había comprado uno nuevo. Decidí no llevarlo a mi casa sino ponerlo en la habitación de mami pues entendí que sería más útil allí. Hoy tenía planificado limpiarle los filtros; nunca pensé que me iba a encontrar con este nivel de asquerosidad. En la foto de arriba, a la izquierda el filtro que quité y a la derecha el filtro de repuesto. Debajo, la cantidad de polvo y otras cosas que tenía. En casa de mami se limpia todos los días, y aún así miren lo que el filtro recogió. Cuánta contaminación, cuánto polvo en lo que respiramos. En nuestro caso en particular tenemos años rodeados de construcciones de manera continua pues cuando termina una comienza otra y no nos imaginamos el daño que esto nos hace. Imaginen esto en nuestros pulmones. Uff!

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Perspective #fmsphotoaday #fms_perspective #fmspad #october #octubre #2017 A person, for some weird reason still unknown to me, once tried to bully me into sharing some photos that I took while I was on a road trip with him. A friend recently told me that the photos I uploaded on my Instagram account were not, in his words, “the best ones” (and then I proceeded to take a kick-ass photo in front of him that blew his brains so much he actually used it for his business account). You see, I’m not a photographer and I have never claimed to be one. It’s not in my life plan to earn a living by taking photos (at least currently, one might never know what turn life takes). I’m a lawyer (and a darned good one) and I earn my living by practicing law. I take photos because I happen to sometimes stroll around with a camera, and also because I own a smartphone with photo-taking capabilities in my pocket. For these prompts I take out my phone and take a pic that goes with the daily prompt. For my other photos, including the ones pertaining to my 365 project, when something catches my eye I once again take out my phone and snap a pic. My photos are not supposed to be artsy, I don’t care about rule of thirds, composition, lighting, field depth or aperture, I don’t spend countless hours in front of my computer modifying my pics in Lightroom or Photoshop (I don’t even know how to use them). I don’t upload them for other people’s approval. I don’t want to get new followers (they’re more than welcome, of course). I don’t want to show the world that I’m a good photographer (I am) or editor. This is even an exercise in growth because I don’t feel comfortable sharing things that have meaning for me (believe it or not, I am a very private person). I just take pics. Sometimes for the sake of having a memory of something, sometimes because I have to and most of the times because I want to. If someone likes them or not is just a matter of perspective.

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